2022–2023 NECO Biology Practical Questions and Answers (Complete Solution)

2022–2023 NECO Biology Practical Questions and Answers (Complete Solution)

biology practical

2022 NECO Biology Practical exam questions and solutions. Many NECO applicants struggle to accurately respond to the questions in the practical biology section of the exam because they don’t comprehend them. I’ll demonstrate the most effective method for responding to NECO Biology Practical questions so you may achieve a high NECO score on your biology exam.NECO Agriculture Practical Exam 2022/2023 Questions and Answers (Complete Solution)

Before answering any question, you must be familiar with the NECO Biology Practical making scheme in order to present your responses in a way that will appeal to the examiner and help you receive high points.

Keep in mind that each process receives a grade. Therefore, be sure to follow all the steps in order to report and present your actual results. Don’t forget as well to keep in mind how crucial it is to identify everything clearly.NECO Government 2022/2023 Exam Questions and Answers (Theory and Objectives)

You will be required to conduct an experiment and present your findings. What you observe will be very similar to the NECO Biology Specimen that was provided to your school.

Practical Biology NECO Exam Questions and Solutions (Expo)

Note: During the NECO Biology Practical exam, the 2022 NECO Practical Biology solutions (expo) will be released here. To be informed when the answers are uploaded, keep checking and refreshing this page. Remember to refresh this page to view the solutions.neco-biology-practical/

Biology Practical Solutions NECO 2022 – Loading


Specimen A – Microscope

Specimen B – A ripe mango fruit

Specimen C – Transverse section of a tomato fruit

Specimen D – Groundnut seed

Specimen E – Maize grain


  1. Eye piece lens
  2. Objective lens
  3. Stage


Specimen A is used to study small organisms and cells in the laboratory



Specimen B is dispersed by animals


  1. It is edible.
  2. it is brightly colored


In a tabular form:

Specimen B:

  1. One seeded
  2. Hard and woody endocarp

Specimen C.

  1. Many seeded.
  2. Fleshy endocarp


In a tabular form:


Observation: Spot becomes translucent.

Conclusion: Oil is present.


Fats and oil is present in specimen D.


  1. Specimen E is a source of food for man.


Specimen F – Carrot

Specimen G – Irish Potato

Specimen H – Water lily

Specimen I – Prawn



Vitamin A in specimen F aids to maintain healthy eyes, teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, mucus membranes and skin.



It has a swollen root


In a tabular form:


Observation: G turns blue black in colour.

Conclusion: presence of starch.



  1. There is a long petiole supporting a broad lamina on the water’s surface.
  2. The waxy upper surface of the leaf prevents stomata from becoming clogged.
  3. The presence of numerous, well-developed adventitious roots that firmly anchor the plant.
  4. To facilitate pollination, flowers are raised above the water’s surface by protruding stalks.


Specimen I belongs to the class of Crustacea.



  1. It has two body regions.
  2. It has a pair of antennae.



In a tabular form:

External feature:

  1. Pair of antennae
  2. Pair of legs
  3. Stalked compound eyes.



  1. For feeling
  2. For walking
  3. For sight




(i) It serves as food for man

(ii) It serves a source of income




J-Tilapia fish










  1. Possession of laterally flattened and streamlined body to aid easy movement in water.
  2. Possession of pectoral and pelvic fins for slow movement, balancing and steering.



  1. Prosoma
  2. Opisthosoma (or abdomen)



Specimen L belongs to the class Arachnida.



  1. Possession of eight walking legs
  2. Possession eight simple eyes.




NECO Bio Practical Practice Questions

The questions below are for practice, not the 2022 Biology Practical questions.


  1. (a) (i) Phylum of specimens C/Butterfly and E/Grasshopper: Arthropoda


(ii) Reasons for the answer in 1 (a)(i): (I) Metameric segmentation/segmented bodies: (II) Jointed appendages; (III) presence of chitinous exoskeleton/exoskeleton made of chitin; (IV) Bilateral symmetry.


(b) differences between




C/Butterfly D/Caterpillar

Wings present Wings are absent

Proboscis present Mandibles are present

Proleg absent Mandibles are present

Legs are longer Legs are shorter

Claspers are absent Claspers are present

Has one pair of compound eyes Has simple eyes

Has antennae Absence of antennae

Osmeterium absent Osmeterium present




C/Butterfly E/Grasshopper

Presence of proboscis Presence of mandibles

Clubbed/rounded/knobbed antennae Not clubbed/rounded/knobbed antennae/tapering antennae;

Wing is membreneous/soft Harder/less membraneous wings/forewings are leathery

Surface of wing is powdery/have scales/eye spots Surface of wing is not powdery/absence of scales/eye spots;

Hind limbs/legs smaller/shorter/less muscular Hind limbs/legs/larger and elongated/more muscular

Abdomen is hairy Abdomen is not hairy/smooth


(c) Relationship between specimens C/Butterfly and D/Caterpillar:

(i) C/butterfly is the adult/image of D/Caterpillar

(ii) D/Caterpillar is the larva/larva stage of C/Butterfly

(d) (i) Habitat of specimen D/Caterpillar: Garden/Citrus leaves/vegetables/leaves/fruits/green plant has three pairs of true legs with claws for locomotion. (III) it has claspers; for attachment to vegetation/twid; (IV) possession of four pairs of prologs/false legs: for climbing; (V) its coloured pattern; enables it to blend with its environment/camouflages/escape predators; (VI) it has spiracles; for gaseous exchange, (VII) it has simple eyes for vision (VIII) has osmeterium; as defense mechanism/which emits foul smell to scare away predators.

(e) Diagram/drawing of dorsal view of specimen C/Butterfly


2(a)observable features of biological importance in


Specimen F/Carrot: (i) Main root/tap root/swollen/root tuber; (ii) Presence of lateral roots; (iii) Presence of short stem (green) ; (iv) Presence of foliage leaves; (v) Part of main root tapering


Specimen G/Irish potato: (i) Swollen stem/stem tuber; (ii) Bud(s)/ eye; (iii) Lenticels; (iv) scale leaf; (v) adventitious roots(s)


(b) (i) Classification of (I) Specimen F/Carrot: Root tuber; (II) Specimen G/Irish Potato: Stem tuber. Stem (above the swollen tap root). Specimen G/Irish Potato: Swollen, Stem/tuber; presence of bud(s)/eye; presence of scale leaves/leaf; presence of lentice(s).

(c) Class of specimen H and J: insect

(d) (i) Observable differences between specimen H and J.


H/Adult mosquito J/Adult cockroach

Smaller in size Big/large in size

A pair of wings Two pairs of wings;

Absence of hard hind wing Presence of hard hind wing/elytra;

Shorter antennae Longer antennae

Proboscis Mandible

Absence of maxillary palp/maxilla Presence of maxillary palp/maxilla

Thin legs Thick/large legs;

Absence of spines on legs Presence of spine on legs.

(ii) Similarities between specimens H/adult mosquito and J/adult cockroach:


(i) Presence of a pair of compound eyes

(II) Body is divided into three divisions/head, thorax and abdomen

(iii) three pairs of/six(walking) legs

(IV) possession of jointed appendages

(V) possession of a pair of membraneous wings

(VI) possession of a pair of antenna

(VII) Both have exoskeleton made of chitin

(VIII) Segmented Body.


(i) Feeding Habit of Specimen H/adult mosquito: Piercing and sucking. Specimen J/adult cockroach: Biting and chewing

(ii) Observing features used for feeding in specimen J/adult cockroach: Mandible; maxillae; labrum


  1. (a) (i) Phylum of Specimen R/Earthworm: Annelida


(ii) Reasons for the classification of Specimen R/Earthworm:

(i)They are bilaterally symmetrical

(ii) They have metameric segmentation, and are separated from one another by septa.

(iii)They also have chaetae

(iv) They are covered in a thin collagen cuticle,

(iv) They are long and cylindrical, and have segments that are separated from one another.


(iii) Specimen R/Earthworm Habitat:

(i) In open grassland or savannah beneath tall grasses

(ii) Under decomposing leaves

(iii) In wet or moist soil

(iv) In forests in decomposing tree stumps.


(b) (i) Specimen R/Earthworm adaptation characteristics:

  1. Bristle-like Caetae/seatea;
  2. Mosit skin;

III. Pointed anterior;

  1. Slimy body; reduces friction during movements;
  2. Citellum; for attachment during exchange of sperm/reproduction/secretes cocoon (in which it eggs are deposited)

(ii) Economic importance of Specimen R/Earthworm:

(I) it aerates the soil

(II) it enriches/improves soil fertility

(III) its secretions neutralize the acid soil

(IV) Used as bait for fishing

(V) As food for some birds.

(c) Diagram/Drawing of the dorsal view of Specimen R/Earthworm

(d) Type of fruit: Specimen S/unripe mango fruit – Drupe, Specimen T/tomato fruit – Berry.

(e) (i) Observable differences between Specimens S and T


Specimen C/Unripe Mango Fruit Specimen T/tomato Fruit

Green in colour Red/Yellow in colour

One seeded Many seeded

Stony/hard endocarp Fleshy/Succulent/Soft endocarp

Fibrous mesocarp Succulent mesocarp

Seed large Seed(s) small;

Basal placentation Axile placentation

Mesocarp and endocarp are fused Mesocarp had endocarp are not fused

(ii) Similarities between specimens S and T:

(I) Both have seeds

(II) both are fruits

(III) Both have three layers/epicarp/mesocarp/endocarp/pericarp/fruit wall

(IV) Coloured epicarp/pericarp

(V) Both have placenta

(VI) Both have thin epicarp

(VII) both have fleshy mesocarp.



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